Saturday, February 25, 2012

pantS, SHORTS, and the human language

Muggy: OKAY- now that you’ve gotten to know us, let us get onto more… um… SERIOUS matters!!! LIKE SHORTS!
Mudge: Shorts. Frankly, that is not enough information. Short isn't a noun! Do you mean, sort trees, short beds, a short KANGAROO, short people, or possibly.... Short PANTS??  OH THE WORLD WE LIVE IN NOW! I want to know who decided to call SHORT PANTS, SHORTS!
Muggy: *siiigh* Yes, Mudge, I mean SHORT PANTS!!! (short kangaroo's?!? really?!?) And YOUR'E DEAD ON TOPIC!!! :D
Mudge: Well I HOPE not! I feel pretty alive on this topic. If I were dead on it... I wouldn't be talking now would I? If we are going to get anywhere on this subject, you better revive me.
ANYWAY, on the topic of short pants... Why is pants plural?

Muggy: Well... not that you mention it- I am pretty alive on this topic too!!! And seriously though!!! What is with the 's' on the end of 'pants'??? Really- you can't tell me that when walking down the mall you don't point at the windows and say "Ohh, isn't that a pretty pair of pants!" WHY DO YOU DO THIS!?!?!
Mudge:  Dear Muggy,
I know not why anybody does this. Clearly, there is only one item there. But our weak willed minds just have to call it a pair-  because it has 2 segments!  We use the term, "look! A pair of shoes!" or, "look! A pair of hippopotamuses!"
But, I say, that when you see a pant, it is one thing/item/article of clothing. You don't call a shirt, a pair of sleeves don't you?
*sigh* what a wacko world!  O.o

Muggy: So there you have it folks!!! From now on- don't call it 'Pants' called it 'Pant'! Here on Mudge & Muggy- we are starting a revolt!!! Join us in the revolution of NON PLURAL CLOTHING!!! :D

Thanks for reading- More to come... SOON!!!

- Mudge & Muggy

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